Money Saving Tips To Put Home Improvements Within Reach

We at Permaframe firmly believe that our home improvements are extremely good value, as you will find out for yourself when you investigate our competitors’ prices.

Sliding Sash Windows

We do understand though that for you to be able to get that brand new conservatory or a fresh set of windows and doors you may need to do a certain amount of saving, just as you would for holidays or a car. It is worth mentioning that we do offer a number of payment methods to assist.

Owning a house is an expensive business and finding disposable income, especially for those with young families can be difficult, however there are always ways of saving money.

Here are a few handy suggestions:

• Cut down on the nights out and takeaways
• Put any unused clothes, furniture, DVD’s etc. on an online auction site or sell them at a car boot
• Car share to work and split the petrol money between you
• Cancel the gym membership and go for a regular jog (particularly nice at this time of year)
• Re-evaluate how much you are paying for things like your TV package, mobile phone, car and house insurance.
• Make your own packed lunches for work
• Try to limit how much you rely on your car and walk more often
• Switch to a cheaper supermarket
• Invest in insulation for your home
• Find a cheaper energy tariff
• Holiday at home rather than abroad
• Avoid overusing your credit cards
• Turn off the lights in empty rooms in the house and switch appliances off properly; don’t use the standby button
• Pay and Go users should download WhatsApp/Viber for FREE texting/phone calls
• Recycle any old mobile phones for cash

Those home improvements you’ve been longing for will then soon become a reality which is the time when you should call into our Frome showroom.


We invite you to join us at our showroom in Frome, to browse our many products in person and speak with our team of advisors and designers about your next home improvement project.


Want to speak with an Advisor? Give us a call on 01373 794000

Our friendly team will be pleased to help with any questions you may have.
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